Shep’s Yard offers a superior blend of hardwoods. Our firewood is a mixture of Oak, Ash, Hickory and Cherry (loads may vary), and is split to manageable pieces that are 16-18” or 12″ in length. There are about 100 pieces in a 1/4 cord.
We offer 3 options for firewood purchases:
- If you have an open bodied vehicle (ie: an appropriate sized truck or trailer), we can load your vehicle with our front end machine. And the price is as listed below.
- If you do not have an open bodied vehicle that we can load with our machine, then you can load it by hand. And the price is per piece.
- We’re always happy to deliver for an additional fee.
Firewood – 16”-18″ MIXTURE
Price for Pickup Hardwood Mixture
Piece – $.85 | ¼ Cord – $90
½ Cord – $165 | Full Cord – $310
Firewood – 12″ MIXTURE
Price for Pickup Hardwood Mixture
Piece – $.85 | ¼ Cord – $115
½ Cord – $200 | Full Cord – $375
*Delivery cost is additional and depends on your zip code
Firewood Disclaimer
A note about our firewood: When placing your order, please ask about the seasoned quality of our current firewood. There are many variables that are out of our control; such as how, when and where your firewood is stacked that can increase or decrease the seasoned quality. If seasoned firewood is not stored properly, it WILL regain moisture. It’s crucial that you stack your firewood in a DRY location, which is exposed to sun and wind, off the ground and out of the rain. Firewood needs to be stacked so that air can circulate through and around it. Ideally, it should be purchased by the end of August – then properly stacked, uncovered and allowed to dry until October. Throughout the winter, cover only the top portion of the firewood stack. Seasoned firewood will naturally have bark and kindling. As firewood dries and seasons, the bark tends to fall off the wood. Thus, seasoned wood will typically have loose bark mixed in with the firewood. Our firewood is loaded with a machine, therefore this bark and kindling won’t be separated from your wood. Use this kindling to your advantage while starting your fires, it is not trash. Prior to purchase, your firewood was stored outside. Please understand; in order to continue the seasoning process, we store our wood outside and uncovered in a large pile on clean, dry blacktop. Therefore, if your firewood was delivered during a rainy time or freezing temperatures, you will need to allow the wood to sit unexposed to the elements for several days before burning.
“Piling your wood under dripping eaves or in an uncovered heap in the yard is comparable to buying or growing a bunch of beautiful fresh asparagus and then overcooking it: you get no refund for ruining it.” (pg. 8) Thomas, D. The Woodburner’s Companion – Practical Ways of Heating with Wood
“According to a field study conducted by the U.S. Forest Service, wood properly stored in a dry and windy place will reach a moisture content of 20% in as little as two weeks! If rain falls on it, or if it’s piled in a damp area where little wind reaches it, the wood may never reach 20% moisture content. So, proper storage is key: if you store your wood properly in the right place, you don’t need a year to season it. As long as conditions are right, you can have burnable wood in far less time than a year.” (pg. 143-144)
~ Thomas, D. The Woodburner’s Companion – Practical Ways of Heating with Wood